
Sorry Board


  • Gameboard
  • 12 SORRY! pawns
  • 45 cards
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get all three of your pawns from your start area to your home


Each player takes three pawns of one color and places them on their  matching color start area. Shuffle the cards and place them face down in the center of the board.

The youngest player goes first. Play passes to the left.

Sorry Display

Game Play

On your turn:

  1. Draw a card from the SORRY! deck and follow the instructions on the card.
  2. Place the card face up on DISCARD HERE.
  3. If you run out of cards to draw, reshuffle the discard pile and place them face down in the center of the board.

Starting a Pawn

Any forward-moving card can move a pawn out of its start area.

Moving Around the Board

Pawns move clockwise around the board, unless a card instructs them otherwise.

Sorry Move

Jumping and Bumping

You may jump over your own or another player's pawn if it is in your way, counting it as one space.

But, if you land on a space that's already occupied by an opponent's  pawn, bump that pawn back to its own color start area and take the  space!

Occupied Spaces

Only one of your pawns may occupy a space at a time, except for the start area or home.

If your only possible move would require you to land on a space  already occupied by one of your other pawns, you forfeit your turn.

If at any time you cannot move, you forfeit your turn. But if you can move, you must move, even if it is not to your advantage!

Rules of the Board

  • Any time you land by exact count on the triangle at the beginning of a slide that shows your color, slide ahead to the end and bump any pawns  in your way including your own! back to their own start areas.
  • If you land on a slide that does not show your color, don't slide, just stay put on the triangle.


  • Only you may enter your own color safety zone. All other rules apply. No pawn may enter its safety zone by a backward move. However, a pawn  may move backward out of its safety zone.
  • Safety Zone

  • When moving along the outside track, you may not move your pawn  forward past your own safety zone entry. However, you may pass the entry space on a backward move (4 or 10 card).
  • Safety Zone Entry Space

  • You must bring all three of your pawns into home by exact count. Once home, do not move that pawn again for the rest of the game.
  • Home

  • You must bring all three of your pawns into home by exact count. Once home, do not move that pawn again for the rest of the game.

The Cards

Sorry 1  Move one of your pawns forward one space.

Sorry 2  Move one of your pawns forward two spaces.

Sorry 3  Move one of your pawns forward three spaces.

Sorry 4  Move one of your pawns backward four spaces.

Sorry 5  Move one of your pawns forward five spaces.

Sorry 7  Move one of your pawns forward seven spaces or split the forward move between two of your pawns.

If you use part of the seven to get a pawn home, you must be able to use the balance of the move for another pawn.

Sorry 8  Move one of your pawns forward eight spaces.

Sorry 10  Move one of your pawns forward ten spaces or move one of your pawns backward one space.

Sorry 11  Move one of your pawns forward 11 spaces or switch any one of your pawns with an opponent's.

  • You may forfeit your move if you do not wish to change places and it is impossible to go forward 11 spaces.
  • You may only switch pawns in play on the open track, not at start, home, orin a safety zone.
  • If your switch landed you on a triangle at the beginning of a slide that shows your color, slide to the end.

Sorry 12  Move one of your pawns forward 12 spaces.

Sorry Card  Move a pawn from your start area to take the place of another  player's pawn, which must return to its own start area. Or move one of  your pawns forward four spaces.

If there is no pawn on your start or no opponent's pawn is on any  space you can move to and you cannot move any of your pawns four spaces, you forfeit your turn.


End of the Game

Get all three of your pawns home first to win!

Arizona Gay Nude Games
